At BridgeClimb, your Health & Safety is and always will be our primary focus, and we’re pleased to let you know we are registered with the NSW Government as a COVIDSAFE business. This means we’ve made a few changes to keep you and our team safe when visiting the Pylon Lookout & Museum.

Please stay home if you are feeling unwell, have been in contact with a suspected or confirmed case or are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test.


Enhanced contact tracing of all visitors

Promoting physical distancing

Messaging through the Pylon providing clear guidance to visitors

hand sanitising stations

High frequency Increased cleaning throughout

contactless card only transactions

We need you to play your part

  • If you’re showing symptoms of COVID-19 please do not visit BridgeClimb or the Pylon, instead please seek medical attention. Call your doctor, your local Emergency Department or healthdirect on 1800 022 222 and avoid contact with others. If you do arrive at the Pylon Lookout & Museum with flu-like symptoms, you may be refused entry – please see our terms and conditions.
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water and for at least 20 seconds
  • Utilise the additional hand sanitiser stations provided throughout the BridgeClimb Pylon Lookout & Museum
  • Avoid touching your nose, mouth or eyes
  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze with a tissue or into your elbow
  • Put used tissues in the bins provided

We greatly appreciate your support for Australian tourism and attractions and look forward to welcoming you to the Pylon Lookout & Museum.